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Responsible for content of the website

Company Headquarter/Address

Fey Elektronik GmbH
Storchenweg 3
Germany - 21217 Seevetal
Tel.: +49 (0)40-703 8888 0
Fax: +49 (0)40-703 8888 55
E-Mail: »

Privacy officer:
Christine Gennerich
Storchenweg 3
Germany - 21217 Seevetal
E-Mail: »

Commercial register
Registration office: Amtsgericht Lüneburg
Register number: HRB 110307
Location of the company: Germany 21217 Seevetal
CEO: Oliver Bald, Michael Witte
Vat-No. acc. §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 1168 219 59

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act
WEEE-reg.-No.: DE 66731222
EAR-Reg.-No.: 77755323
GRS-member-No.: 9810126
Registration with the packaging register acc. § 9 VerpackG
LUCID-Reg.-Nr.: DE3761 377687995

Content of our site:
The author does not warantee topicality, correctness, completeness or quality regarding the provided informations. Liability claims against the author, referring to material or ideational damages, are basically excluded, unless the author did not act demonstrably intentionally or gross negligently.
All offers are subjected to change and not binding. The author reserves the right to change, add, delete parts of this website or the complete range without separate announcement. The author even reserves the right to discontinue the publishing of this site or parts of this site at time or definitely.

The author tries at his best to follow the copyright of the used grapphics, sounds and text, to use self-designed, graphics, sounds and text or use free of license graphics, sounds and text. In case of unmarked, copyright protected graphics, sounds or text on this page, a copyright could not be determined by the author. In case of such unintentional copyright violation the author will remove the corresponding object immediately from this site or mark with the corresponding copyright. The copyright regarding published, by the author himself drawn up objects, stays in the hands of the author. Reproduction and usage of such graphics, sounds or text in other electronic or printed publications is not allowed without the authors approval.

External links:
Every link to an external page has been verified during construction of this website. Violations of law could not be determined at the moment of linking. Though we do not have influence on the contents of linked pages. For that exclusively the operators of the linked pages are responsible. Should there be illegal sites callable via hyperlinks, we appeal to send a message to We will check the links and, should the situatuion arise, delete the links.

Legal validity of the disclaimer:
This disclaimer has to be seen as a part of our offer. Even if parts or individual terms do not comply with actual rights situation any longer or not completely, all other parts of the disclaimer stay unaffected regarding content and legal force.